Monday, September 13, 2010

300 Justice Road...The Next Generation

Alexis has definitely had a busy 2 weeks. She spent her first time away from Mommy and Daddy for a LONG weekend. She went to Mimi and Pappa B's house while we went to Austin for Labor Day weekend. Mommy did great until Sunday when I still had one day left. Mom called to tell me she was smiling, which I've been dying to see, and then I started crying. So, I took every opportunity over the last week to snap a picture of her smiling. We had a great time in Austin celebrating Jay's sister's wedding, but I couldn't wait to get home. I know it sounds strange, but she really did change so much over the four days we were gone. Her hair got thicker and I swear, she really did get bigger. Now, I spend every waking minute trying to make her smile.
This picture is for Aunt Michelle and Aunt Julie!

The Sheltons finally made it down to the lake this weekend and they brought their baby Reagan. We have been patiently waiting meeting her and she was definitely worth the wait! She is so sweet, as you can see from the picture below. Her cheeks are just the cutest. Here are their game day pictures from Saturday's win over Wyoming. Unfortunately, Alexis was having a rough evening, so this is the best I could do, but she still looks cute! 300 Justice Road 2030 better watch out, these girls are going to be TONS of trouble.

I mean, could she be any sweeter?

Look at how big she is getting!! Her neck and back are slowly getting stronger and she is able to tolerate sitting up, just a little bit. I thought this was super funny. I put the wash rag on her and she grabbed it! It's almost like she wants to wash herself. Hopefully by next month she will be holding up her head all on her own.

Our dogs LOVE Alexis. If she is on the floor, they are right by her. Belle is getting really old, so I wanted to get some pictures of them together. Daddy had to make her ride the horsey.

Below, Ranger just has to be right by Mommy, which means he has to get as close to Alexis as possible. So, why not prop her up on him??

Now, on to the smiles! Her first month of smiling really makes me happy. When we were taking these pictures Grandma and I had to take a break because we were smiling so hard, as if that would help Alexis, that our jaws were hurting!

She likes to kiss her horse rattle and is starting to like peek a boo.

She isn't a fan of tummy time, but she is working her neck! We are getting there, maybe just a little slow, but that is OK!

This is the beautiful sunset on Labor Day from mom's back yard!


The Ormsbys said...

My home computer let me in!! I LOVE the DZ pic and the ones of her smiling! She is getting to be such a big girl!!

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