Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Nutty November

Once again we have had a busy month, but this time I really don't know where the month actually went?? I hope Christmas doesn't come and go so quickly! I'm ready to celebrate with Alexis and see just how much she understands, but I'm not ready for it to fly by as fast as Thanksgiving did! I honestly don't even know what we have been doing besides cleaning and purging, watching football, hunting, shopping, cooking and working out. Seems like a whole lot of nothing, but we've just had some quality family time!

Alexis turned 18 months on Thanksgiving day. Unfortunately, she also had her first fever, so it wasn't exactly the celebration I had planned. We started off the morning visiting the er clinic. Since this was the first time she has ever had a fever and we were heading to Trinity, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't anything more than a sinus infection. She ended up having a slightly red throat and several major melt downs! I'm not sure the two are connected, but I'd like to think these tantrums aren't here to stay! But on the plus side, she was super cuddly and wanted her Mommy all weekend. New this month, she's added "Lamby" to her vocabulary! I'm surprised that it has taken so long for her to say it since Lamby is hardly out of arm's reach. But, it is very sweet to hear her say her BFF's name.

Just some snuggle time before we head out to the park for our Saturday morning walk.
So, we had our first official, real life, bona-fide, temper tantrum! It was because I wouldn't let her plug her Christmas tree into the wall! So, for a good twenty minutes, she was kicking, screaming, doing hand stands (I think this was her attempt to kick at the door), hitting and crying! I finally decided that since she wasn't going to stop, I should get it on camera! Probably not my finest Mommy moment, but, what's new?

As you can see from our choice of clothing, we've had a wacky weather November. Just an added bonus for living in Texas; you get to wear winter and summer clothes all in the same month, and sometimes in the same day!

Willy and Alexis have been getting along GREAT! Even when he bites and scratches her, she's a pretty good trooper. She loves to play fetch and tug a war, I think as much as he does. Maybe they really are going to be best friends.

Update on Pappa B: My dad is out of rehab and home, doing outpatient rehab in Huntsiville. He is doing much better and I'd like to thank all of you who have kept him in your prayers over the last two years. I think that he is finally starting to see some improvements; you can definitely tell he isn't in pain like he was before this last surgery. He's going to start walking with the cane at home and hopefully get rid of the walker as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, earlier this month my friends and I said good-bye to a man that most of us have known since before I can even remember. Megan's dad lost his 18 month battle with cancer. It's hard to believe that he is no longer around to crack jokes and love on his grandbabies, but I'm so glad he isn't in pain. I pray that Mary Kay and the rest of the Hafner bunch can find some peace in these upcoming holidays and months. I will never forget John sitting in his underwear and cracking jokes about me being a Baptist. I hope he is enjoying his cigarettes, milk and poker in Heaven!


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