She is now up to 9 pounds and 9 ounces with her shirt on! I can hardly believe how fast she changes! I LOVE her many faces, as you can see in her slide show from her morning wake up. It really makes me laugh every morning. This past week, she has slept till at least 9 each day! I'm getting spoiled from sleeping so late, but this just makes me stay up that much later, hence the last two blog posts! She is also finding her voice! She is starting to cry more and more at night! I don't know if it is because she is tired or if this is just normal! She has such a great day and then right before bed time the last couple of nights, she hasn't wanted to go down. I'm not sure it is a phase or if we are doing something wrong. I've been doing tons of research on babies sleep routines and who knows who is right! Being a mother is so interesting, you learn new things all the time!
Today was also a bittersweet day. I feel so odd not going back to work with everyone else! I know that I am doing what's best for Alexis by waiting till October, but it just feels weird and scary to not be back at work. I'm sure I'm going to have TONS to do later and I'm super worried about giving up control of my classroom and worrying about how it is being done wrong for the first 6 weeks!
I have my 2 nephews here this week, they are 7 and 9! I still remember the day they were born, thinking how I could never love something so much. Oh how things have changed! They are a handful, but I'm super excited to spend some time with them. This is the first time all summer that we've had some extended time together. They usually spend at least one week with me each summer and I didn't think I was going to get that chance this year . I guess Bryce didn't come last year and when I was putting them to bed, Bryce said to me, "we've never spent the night here before." Brody and I reminded him that he had, he just doesn't remember! Kind of makes me sad, they are growing up so fast, I still think of them as toddlers! I will let you know how it goes with a newborn and two boys, when I come up for air!!
Yaay! Glad to see new photos! She's gettin big and is still cute as ever!
She is sooooooo gorgeous!! I cannot wait to make her some more pretties :)
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