Thursday, May 13, 2010

One Stubborn Girl

All I can say is that we have one stubborn girl on our hands! She has definitely kept us on our toes during this pregnancy and she just LOVES to cover her face! Today was our 4D ultrasound and she wasn't willing to show us her all! She kept her hands in front of her face the whole time! I had to get up and walk around, talk to the doctor and come back, in hopes that she would move her arm. These are the best pictures we got! We scheduled another one for two weeks. I'm not sure we are going to go through with it, unless it's free. It was the technician's request, so I'm hoping that she felt so bad that she wants to do it again, free of charge. Brian doesn't really want to pay for another arm shot!

We went to the specialist after the appointment and he said all looks well. She is now weighing 3 pounds and 10 ounces, give or take. I feel much better knowing that she could be at least 4 pounds if she decides to come early. He now wants to see me every two weeks.

I've been on complete bed rest for the last three days, and as along as I'm lying down my BP is low, but if I get up and take it, it spikes, but goes back down as soon as I lay down. It is a good thing that we started the bed rest, it seems my body knew it was time.

On a funnier note, Brian was totally that guy in the movies at the gynecologist today! He can't keep his hands to his self when we get into the room. He is always playing with something. Last week he kept bending and turning on the the lamp, this week, he decided to play with the model vagina and Nu-Va ring! He pulled the Nu-Va ring out and couldn't get it back in! So the nurse walks in and asks him if he is playing with her stuff. He said, "I think I broke it." She then shows him how it works, all the while, dying laughing. This perplexed my husband. So when we walked back into the second part of our ultrasound he says to the tech, "I feel like I can talk to you about this, I just don't get how a little ring prevents you from getting pregnant." She explains it's the hormones in the ring that stop you from getting pregnant. That's my husband always making people laugh!
So all is well in the world of Alexis Hope, maybe next time we will get better pictures.


The Oros Family said...

She is sooo beautiful! Lorenzo was the same way...wait IS the same way. He never cooperated with the ultrasounds.

Barrow Family said...

She is so cute!!! I am so glad to hear that she is growing so well! Caroline was 5 lbs when she was born! Keep that baby cookin! Are you watching A Baby Story 24/7?? that was so addicting to me!

Deanna Addison said...

Oh she's precious!! I can't wait to meet her...although not right away!! That is HILARIOUS about Brian and the ring...don't worry I have no idea how it works either!

The Ormsbys said...

Wow this picture is good!! I want her to come out but know she needs to cook. This was hilarious about the ring!!! LOL!

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